Friday, September 28, 2012

Underrated Series You Believe Everyone Should Watch!

Okay basically the main aim of this is to name underrated series (old or new) and explain why you believe this was so underrated. To fit criteria, it essentially must be unknown enough for people outside of those who like the genre, to look at you puzzled. Now we got that over, let me begin.

Shinzo: I believe this series was hugely underrated, many might have been turned off by the art style of the animation, but the sheer depth and scale of this was astounding. I've never seen an anime I love more to this day -- note not huge fan of anime.

Babylon 5: How can I convey the awesomeness of this, it's scale, it's scope, the character development, the overarching plots and the great dialogue. This is a masterpiece and sadly underrated. But to this day, this series is my most favourite none above it. None.

FlashForward: A series not given enough time, and because of this it suffers, but the idea and what looked like they planned makes me think this could have been legendary.

Spellbinders: An Australian Kids show that had great ideas, some neat writing and cool practical effects. Even though it's a kid show, I think especially series 1 could be appreciated by the adults. It's got sci-fi sorta fantasy plot and was filmed sometime in the 90s. Some of the cast were Polish as it was collab between Polish Studio and Australian one.

Drawn Together: Maybe this is more popular in America, but in the UK this is relative unknown which is funny as Big Brother came from us, anyway the idea is this it's Big Brother House, except instead of annoying celebrities it's cartoon characters, or caricatures of them. It's sometimes low-brow and sometimes got some really funny smart jokes. I think it's vastly overrated as the voice acting really helps make it what it is.

Urban Gothic: This was another British series which was filmed round about the 90s, the idea was this it was like a horror version of the Outer Limits or Twilight Zone, of course there some stinkers, but then there is the really fantastic ones. If you're fan of Horror and neat concepts give this one a watch.

For now this is me done.

We help the multi-nationals
when they cry out protect us.
The locals scream and shout a bit,
but we don?t let that affect us.
We?re here to lend a helping hand
in case they don?t elect us.
How dare they buy our products
yet still they don?t respect us.

Billy Bragg - The Marching Song Of The Covert Battalions


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